The culture of ADG has been formed and developed during the Group’s development. The core cultural values are also an invaluable asset maintained and carried on by generations of Austdoor’s members.

ADG’s members show their respect and gratitude. All members have their own responsibilities and contributions to the Group’s success.
Everyone in Austdoor is provided with the best conditions to improve their skills and lives, as well as respects others’ contributions and gains fair recognition.
We are well aware of the importance of each individual in the organization and be grateful for their efforts and contributions.

ADG is constantly learning, creating and innovating our thinking and actions.
With the message “We create for a better life”, all members in the organization strives to learn and improve every day to provide customers with new values and standards through our products and services.

ADG strives to be a trustful companion of each partner, customer and the entire community, starting by building trust within the organization.
With the company’s vision, missions and “customer-centric” motto, we seek to become one of the most prestigious Vietnamese Brands.

As a business in construction materials, ADG’s members have passion for technology and unceasingly learn new technology to nourish the creativity and ability to create a breakthrough in high-tech products.

Under any circumstances, the power of unity always brings great achievement. ADG’s member are deeply aware of this value throughout the course of our establishment and development. For the founders and thousands of employees, unity has helped ADG overcome difficulties to reach its success.